looking to get involved?

Last modified July 6, 2024

So you want to help us build cool stuff with us…

We are always looking for contributors for many of our projects. The more people we have, the more ambitious we can be!

Additionally club elections are held anually, so you also have the opportunity to run for a leadership position if you are an active member.

active projects

Do not fret if you don’t have the right experience. As long as you have a willingness to learn that is the most important thing.

Currently we are seeking help for people to help with the following projects:


A utility for students to borrow parts and tools they need to build their projects, free of charge.

  • Frontend: Django
  • Backend: Django, Docker, PostgreSQL
  • Hardware: ESP32, RFID, C
  • Also looking for hacklab ambassadors to help run the program

This is actually part of the larger project, lab of the future, whose goal is to make our lab as smart and easy to use as possible.

  • Mechanical: 3D printing, CAD, and more

our website

A place for students to learn about our organization and the projects we are working on.

  • Frontend: Hugo, Markdown, HTML, CSS
  • We need content writers too!

future projects

Here are some ideas for projects we would like to get to but cannot at the moment:


An informal student run hackathon. We need people to help with the logistics of running the event and coming up with cool themes.


A once a month networking event for like-minded students to meet and share ideas, their projects, and eat pizza. We need people to help with the logistics of running the event.


We are hoping to plan a trip to the Coney Island Maker Faire in the fall. We need people to help with the logistics of planning the trip.

our network

A no-nonsense tool for students to find opportunities on campus or start find the perfect group of people to build their ideas.

  • Frontend: Django
  • Backend: Django, Docker, PostgreSQL

filament recycling

A project to recycle 3D printer filament and reduce waste on campus. We need people to build out the network of clubs to collect waste from and find a company to recycle the plastic for reuse.

one mans junk is another mans treasure

A project to collect and refurbish old electronics and give them to students who need them. We need people to help with the logistics of collecting and distributing the electronics.

start your own!

Come to one of our general body meetings or join our discord server to get started!